Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Protein Shakes

Imagine a VitaSoy chocolate flavored drink (for you non-asians, think chocolate soy milk), take about half the box and combine it with half a cup of water, and add silt until it achieves the consistency of loose mud.

You have just made a Protein Shake- chocolate flavor, great taste!

This ad campaign is misleading. The taste is great only if you are a) a pig or b) a professional truffle hunter/mud eater, a.k.a. PIG.

I propose shipping all these protein drinks to the pigs in France, so that they may indulge in vaguely chocolate-mud flavored protein and dig for more truffles. Thus, we no longer have to deal with nasty drinks and the pigs get to, well, pig out. In the end, we're happy, the pigs are happy, and more importantly, the french are happy.

In other news, I've decided to get a netbook. I'm either going to wait for Apple's rumored netbook (WHICH WOULD BE EPIC WIN), or just go for an Acer Aspire One, which is the (currently) next best option. And if the Apple "netbook" ends up costing more than 400 dollars, I'll just go for the Acer. Unless they come out with the Acer Aspire Two, or something else awesome. Either way, I will have an awesome portable computer.


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